Good Stuff To Buy Before A Storm
With all the crazy weather lately, it’s best to be prepared. Using the power of hindsight, I made a list of items that would have been helpful during the nor’easter of October 2011.
With all the crazy weather lately, it’s best to be prepared. Using the power of hindsight, I made a list of items that would have been helpful during the nor’easter of October 2011.
Need a color E-Reader but don’t have $500 for an iPad 2? You can do what I did and order the Kindle Fire.
The apple cider martini is the perfect drink for a cool fall day. Read about how I eventually got around to making this drink.
My kids are both under the age of 10 and when you mention Bugs Bunny, they think of a baby bunny wearing a diaper. You see, Looney Tunes isn’t really on anymore and their only exposure to Bugs, Daffy & Elmer are from this awful show called Baby Looney Tunes. Once a year in June they’ll … Read more